How to Indent in Google Sheets


Apr 16, 2024

This guide tells you everything you need to know about how to indent text on Google sheets.

Indenting text in Google Sheets is often a super useful way to organize and structure your data, especially if you’re dealing with complex information or creating nested lists or things like that.

There’s just one pesky little problem, though: unlike word processors, Google Sheets does not have a dedicated "Indent" button in the toolbar.

But don’t worry! You can still achieve indentation - you just need to find some creative workarounds. You can do this through a few different methods. This guide will walk you through each of them, so that your spreadsheets do what you want them to without breaking your head or going crazy. Let’s get started!

How to indent in Google Sheets with the Custom Number Format

One of the simplest ways to indent text in Google Sheets is by using the Custom Number Format tool. This lets you simulate an indent by adding spaces before your text. Here’s how it works:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells where you want to add the indent.

  2. Right-click to bring up the context menu and choose ‘Format cells’ or simply click on ‘Format’ in the top menu and select ‘Number’ then ‘Custom number format’.

  3. In the custom format field, you can add spaces to create an indent. For example, typing "_ _ @" will add two spaces before the text in your cell. The "@" symbol represents your actual text.

  4. Press ‘Apply’ to see your changes reflected in the selected cells.

As you can see, this is pretty simple and lets you control the amount of indentation (by adjusting the number of spaces before the "@" symbol).

How to indent in Google Sheets with the Increase Indent Script

For those who prefer a more automated approach, you can use a Google Apps Script to add an indent button to your toolbar in Google Sheets. This script will add functionality similar to what you might find in a traditional text editor.

How to set up the Script:

  1. Open your Google Sheets document and click on ‘Extensions’ in the menu.

  2. Select ‘Apps Script’ from the dropdown menu to open a new script editing window.

  3. In the script editor, paste the following code:

function onOpen() {
  var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  // Or DocumentApp or FormApp.
  ui.createMenu('Custom Menu')
      .addItem('Increase Indent', 'menuItem1')
      .addItem('Decrease Indent', 'menuItem2')

function menuItem1() {
  var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveRange();
  var currentIndent = range.getCell(1, 1).getIndent();
  range.setIndent(currentIndent + 1);

function menuItem2() {
  var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveRange();
  var currentIndent = range.getCell(1, 1).getIndent();
  range.setIndent(Math.max(currentIndent - 1, 0));

Now, make sure to carry out the following steps:

  1. Click the disk icon to save your script, give it a name, and then close the script editor.

  2. Reload your Google Sheets document. After a few moments, a new menu titled ‘Custom Menu’ will appear in your toolbar.

  3. Use the ‘Increase Indent’ and ‘Decrease Indent’ options to adjust the indentation of selected cells.

This script creates a custom menu in Google Sheets that lets you increase or decrease the indent level of your text with just a click.

Another option: padding cells for indentation

Another way to indent text in Google Sheets is with the cell padding options.

How to pad cells in Google Sheets:

  1. Click on the cell or cells where you want to indent text.

  2. Navigate to the toolbar and click on ‘Format,’ then select ‘Cells,’ and choose ‘Padding’.

  3. Adjust the padding on the left side to increase or decrease the indent. This will move your text to the right, creating an indented effect.

Padding is a visual method and won't alter the text format but shifts the text within the cell, which can be useful for formatting purposes.

How to indent citations in google sheets?

Google Sheets doesn't provide a direct method like a word processor for formatting citations; however, there are several effective ways to create indentation that suits the requirements for academic citations, such as those following APA or MLA styles.

First method: Using the Custom Number Format

As mentioned above, the Custom Number Format feature in Google Sheets is a flexible tool to add indentation for citations, allowing you to align your text precisely how you want it in the cell:

  1. First, select the cells where you have your citations. These could be in a column dedicated to references in a research spreadsheet.

  2. Right-click on the selected cells and choose Format cells, then click on Number > Custom number format from the menu options.

  3. In the custom format field, input several spaces followed by "@"; for example, entering " @" will add five spaces before your citation text. This space acts as an indent.

  4. Click Apply. Your citation text will now be indented from the left margin by the number of spaces you added.

Second method: Use text functions for dynamic indentation

If you need a more dynamic solution, especially when dealing with multiple entries that might require different levels of indentation (like sub-entries in APA style), you can use Google Sheets’ text functions.

How to Use Text Functions for Indentation:

  1. Suppose your citation text is in column A. In column B, you could use a formula to add spaces based on a condition or another cell's value. For example, you might use: =REPT(" ", 5) & A1

  2. This formula uses the REPT() function to repeat a space five times before the text in cell A1, effectively indenting it by five spaces.

  3. Drag this formula down in column B to apply it to other cells. This method allows you to adjust the number of spaces (i.e., the level of indentation) by changing the number in the REPT() function for each row as needed.

How to indent text in Google Sheets?

The simplest way to indent text is by adding spaces before the text in a cell. You can manually type spaces, or use the CHAR function to insert spaces:

  1. Manual Spaces:

    • Click on the cell where you want to indent text.

    • Type spaces using the space bar before the start of your text.

  2. Using CHAR Function:

    • To add spaces using a formula, you can use CHAR(160), which is the non-breaking space character in Unicode.

    • For example, you could use =REPT(CHAR(160), 4) & "Your Text" to indent "Your Text" by 4 non-breaking spaces.

About the Author

Kris Lachance

Managing Editor

Kris is the Managing Editor of Spreadsheet Secrets. He is a finance professional, writer and entrepreneur based in Canada.

How to Indent in Google Sheets


Apr 16, 2024

This guide tells you everything you need to know about how to indent text on Google sheets.

Indenting text in Google Sheets is often a super useful way to organize and structure your data, especially if you’re dealing with complex information or creating nested lists or things like that.

There’s just one pesky little problem, though: unlike word processors, Google Sheets does not have a dedicated "Indent" button in the toolbar.

But don’t worry! You can still achieve indentation - you just need to find some creative workarounds. You can do this through a few different methods. This guide will walk you through each of them, so that your spreadsheets do what you want them to without breaking your head or going crazy. Let’s get started!

How to indent in Google Sheets with the Custom Number Format

One of the simplest ways to indent text in Google Sheets is by using the Custom Number Format tool. This lets you simulate an indent by adding spaces before your text. Here’s how it works:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells where you want to add the indent.

  2. Right-click to bring up the context menu and choose ‘Format cells’ or simply click on ‘Format’ in the top menu and select ‘Number’ then ‘Custom number format’.

  3. In the custom format field, you can add spaces to create an indent. For example, typing "_ _ @" will add two spaces before the text in your cell. The "@" symbol represents your actual text.

  4. Press ‘Apply’ to see your changes reflected in the selected cells.

As you can see, this is pretty simple and lets you control the amount of indentation (by adjusting the number of spaces before the "@" symbol).

How to indent in Google Sheets with the Increase Indent Script

For those who prefer a more automated approach, you can use a Google Apps Script to add an indent button to your toolbar in Google Sheets. This script will add functionality similar to what you might find in a traditional text editor.

How to set up the Script:

  1. Open your Google Sheets document and click on ‘Extensions’ in the menu.

  2. Select ‘Apps Script’ from the dropdown menu to open a new script editing window.

  3. In the script editor, paste the following code:

function onOpen() {
  var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  // Or DocumentApp or FormApp.
  ui.createMenu('Custom Menu')
      .addItem('Increase Indent', 'menuItem1')
      .addItem('Decrease Indent', 'menuItem2')

function menuItem1() {
  var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveRange();
  var currentIndent = range.getCell(1, 1).getIndent();
  range.setIndent(currentIndent + 1);

function menuItem2() {
  var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveRange();
  var currentIndent = range.getCell(1, 1).getIndent();
  range.setIndent(Math.max(currentIndent - 1, 0));

Now, make sure to carry out the following steps:

  1. Click the disk icon to save your script, give it a name, and then close the script editor.

  2. Reload your Google Sheets document. After a few moments, a new menu titled ‘Custom Menu’ will appear in your toolbar.

  3. Use the ‘Increase Indent’ and ‘Decrease Indent’ options to adjust the indentation of selected cells.

This script creates a custom menu in Google Sheets that lets you increase or decrease the indent level of your text with just a click.

Another option: padding cells for indentation

Another way to indent text in Google Sheets is with the cell padding options.

How to pad cells in Google Sheets:

  1. Click on the cell or cells where you want to indent text.

  2. Navigate to the toolbar and click on ‘Format,’ then select ‘Cells,’ and choose ‘Padding’.

  3. Adjust the padding on the left side to increase or decrease the indent. This will move your text to the right, creating an indented effect.

Padding is a visual method and won't alter the text format but shifts the text within the cell, which can be useful for formatting purposes.

How to indent citations in google sheets?

Google Sheets doesn't provide a direct method like a word processor for formatting citations; however, there are several effective ways to create indentation that suits the requirements for academic citations, such as those following APA or MLA styles.

First method: Using the Custom Number Format

As mentioned above, the Custom Number Format feature in Google Sheets is a flexible tool to add indentation for citations, allowing you to align your text precisely how you want it in the cell:

  1. First, select the cells where you have your citations. These could be in a column dedicated to references in a research spreadsheet.

  2. Right-click on the selected cells and choose Format cells, then click on Number > Custom number format from the menu options.

  3. In the custom format field, input several spaces followed by "@"; for example, entering " @" will add five spaces before your citation text. This space acts as an indent.

  4. Click Apply. Your citation text will now be indented from the left margin by the number of spaces you added.

Second method: Use text functions for dynamic indentation

If you need a more dynamic solution, especially when dealing with multiple entries that might require different levels of indentation (like sub-entries in APA style), you can use Google Sheets’ text functions.

How to Use Text Functions for Indentation:

  1. Suppose your citation text is in column A. In column B, you could use a formula to add spaces based on a condition or another cell's value. For example, you might use: =REPT(" ", 5) & A1

  2. This formula uses the REPT() function to repeat a space five times before the text in cell A1, effectively indenting it by five spaces.

  3. Drag this formula down in column B to apply it to other cells. This method allows you to adjust the number of spaces (i.e., the level of indentation) by changing the number in the REPT() function for each row as needed.

How to indent text in Google Sheets?

The simplest way to indent text is by adding spaces before the text in a cell. You can manually type spaces, or use the CHAR function to insert spaces:

  1. Manual Spaces:

    • Click on the cell where you want to indent text.

    • Type spaces using the space bar before the start of your text.

  2. Using CHAR Function:

    • To add spaces using a formula, you can use CHAR(160), which is the non-breaking space character in Unicode.

    • For example, you could use =REPT(CHAR(160), 4) & "Your Text" to indent "Your Text" by 4 non-breaking spaces.

About the Author

Kris Lachance

Managing Editor

Kris is the Managing Editor of Spreadsheet Secrets. He is a finance professional, writer and entrepreneur based in Canada.

How to Indent in Google Sheets


Apr 16, 2024

This guide tells you everything you need to know about how to indent text on Google sheets.

Indenting text in Google Sheets is often a super useful way to organize and structure your data, especially if you’re dealing with complex information or creating nested lists or things like that.

There’s just one pesky little problem, though: unlike word processors, Google Sheets does not have a dedicated "Indent" button in the toolbar.

But don’t worry! You can still achieve indentation - you just need to find some creative workarounds. You can do this through a few different methods. This guide will walk you through each of them, so that your spreadsheets do what you want them to without breaking your head or going crazy. Let’s get started!

How to indent in Google Sheets with the Custom Number Format

One of the simplest ways to indent text in Google Sheets is by using the Custom Number Format tool. This lets you simulate an indent by adding spaces before your text. Here’s how it works:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells where you want to add the indent.

  2. Right-click to bring up the context menu and choose ‘Format cells’ or simply click on ‘Format’ in the top menu and select ‘Number’ then ‘Custom number format’.

  3. In the custom format field, you can add spaces to create an indent. For example, typing "_ _ @" will add two spaces before the text in your cell. The "@" symbol represents your actual text.

  4. Press ‘Apply’ to see your changes reflected in the selected cells.

As you can see, this is pretty simple and lets you control the amount of indentation (by adjusting the number of spaces before the "@" symbol).

How to indent in Google Sheets with the Increase Indent Script

For those who prefer a more automated approach, you can use a Google Apps Script to add an indent button to your toolbar in Google Sheets. This script will add functionality similar to what you might find in a traditional text editor.

How to set up the Script:

  1. Open your Google Sheets document and click on ‘Extensions’ in the menu.

  2. Select ‘Apps Script’ from the dropdown menu to open a new script editing window.

  3. In the script editor, paste the following code:

function onOpen() {
  var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  // Or DocumentApp or FormApp.
  ui.createMenu('Custom Menu')
      .addItem('Increase Indent', 'menuItem1')
      .addItem('Decrease Indent', 'menuItem2')

function menuItem1() {
  var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveRange();
  var currentIndent = range.getCell(1, 1).getIndent();
  range.setIndent(currentIndent + 1);

function menuItem2() {
  var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveRange();
  var currentIndent = range.getCell(1, 1).getIndent();
  range.setIndent(Math.max(currentIndent - 1, 0));

Now, make sure to carry out the following steps:

  1. Click the disk icon to save your script, give it a name, and then close the script editor.

  2. Reload your Google Sheets document. After a few moments, a new menu titled ‘Custom Menu’ will appear in your toolbar.

  3. Use the ‘Increase Indent’ and ‘Decrease Indent’ options to adjust the indentation of selected cells.

This script creates a custom menu in Google Sheets that lets you increase or decrease the indent level of your text with just a click.

Another option: padding cells for indentation

Another way to indent text in Google Sheets is with the cell padding options.

How to pad cells in Google Sheets:

  1. Click on the cell or cells where you want to indent text.

  2. Navigate to the toolbar and click on ‘Format,’ then select ‘Cells,’ and choose ‘Padding’.

  3. Adjust the padding on the left side to increase or decrease the indent. This will move your text to the right, creating an indented effect.

Padding is a visual method and won't alter the text format but shifts the text within the cell, which can be useful for formatting purposes.

How to indent citations in google sheets?

Google Sheets doesn't provide a direct method like a word processor for formatting citations; however, there are several effective ways to create indentation that suits the requirements for academic citations, such as those following APA or MLA styles.

First method: Using the Custom Number Format

As mentioned above, the Custom Number Format feature in Google Sheets is a flexible tool to add indentation for citations, allowing you to align your text precisely how you want it in the cell:

  1. First, select the cells where you have your citations. These could be in a column dedicated to references in a research spreadsheet.

  2. Right-click on the selected cells and choose Format cells, then click on Number > Custom number format from the menu options.

  3. In the custom format field, input several spaces followed by "@"; for example, entering " @" will add five spaces before your citation text. This space acts as an indent.

  4. Click Apply. Your citation text will now be indented from the left margin by the number of spaces you added.

Second method: Use text functions for dynamic indentation

If you need a more dynamic solution, especially when dealing with multiple entries that might require different levels of indentation (like sub-entries in APA style), you can use Google Sheets’ text functions.

How to Use Text Functions for Indentation:

  1. Suppose your citation text is in column A. In column B, you could use a formula to add spaces based on a condition or another cell's value. For example, you might use: =REPT(" ", 5) & A1

  2. This formula uses the REPT() function to repeat a space five times before the text in cell A1, effectively indenting it by five spaces.

  3. Drag this formula down in column B to apply it to other cells. This method allows you to adjust the number of spaces (i.e., the level of indentation) by changing the number in the REPT() function for each row as needed.

How to indent text in Google Sheets?

The simplest way to indent text is by adding spaces before the text in a cell. You can manually type spaces, or use the CHAR function to insert spaces:

  1. Manual Spaces:

    • Click on the cell where you want to indent text.

    • Type spaces using the space bar before the start of your text.

  2. Using CHAR Function:

    • To add spaces using a formula, you can use CHAR(160), which is the non-breaking space character in Unicode.

    • For example, you could use =REPT(CHAR(160), 4) & "Your Text" to indent "Your Text" by 4 non-breaking spaces.

About the Author

Kris Lachance

Managing Editor

Kris is the Managing Editor of Spreadsheet Secrets. He is a finance professional, writer and entrepreneur based in Canada.

Spreadsheet Secrets

Helping you get better at all things spreadsheets. From learning functions to helpful tips and tricks. Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers, Office 365, whatever you use we can help you with.

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© 2024 Spreadsheet Secrets.

Spreadsheet Secrets

Helping you get better at all things spreadsheets. From learning functions to helpful tips and tricks. Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers, Office 365, whatever you use we can help you with.

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© 2024 Spreadsheet Secrets.

Spreadsheet Secrets

Helping you get better at all things spreadsheets. From learning functions to helpful tips and tricks. Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers, Office 365, whatever you use we can help you with.

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© 2024 Spreadsheet Secrets.